
Archive for March, 2010

LL Cool J vs. Fox News, Sarah Palin [UPDATE: Toby Keith Responds]

Huffington Post |  Danny Shea First Posted: 03-31-10 11:10 AM   |   Updated: 03-31-10 06:28 PM

Updates below…

Fox News has an unlikely adversary: rapper LL Cool J.

After the network announced that Sarah Palin would host a special Thursday called “Real American Stories” — featuring interviews with LL Cool J, Toby Keith and other celebrities — the rapper and country singer both hit back claiming they were lying.

“Fox lifted an old interview I gave in 2008 to someone else & are misrepresenting to the public in order to promote Sarah Palins Show. WOW,” he tweeted.

Likewise, Toby Keith never sat down with Sarah Palin, Keith’s spokesman told HifFix. “We were never contacted by Fox,” Keith’s spokesman said. “I have no idea what interview it’s taken from. They’re promoting this like it’s a brand new interview.”

Fox News responded Wednesday morning, saying they would cut the footage of LL Cool J (aka James Todd Smith) from the special. Keith’s old interview is still slated to run.

“Real American Stories features uplifting tales about overcoming adversity and we believe Mr. Smith’s interview fit that criteria,” a network spokesperson told TVNewser. “However, as it appears that Mr. Smith does not want to be associated with a program that could serve as an inspiration to others, we are cutting his interview from the special and wish him the best with his fledgling acting career.”


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Jon Stewart Revels In GOP Bondage Club Scandal (VIDEO)

Huff Post- First Posted: 03-31-10 08:31 AM   |   Updated: 03-31-10 08:41 AM

The majority of the news stories covered by Jon Stewart are of a serious tone. So while we get to reap the benefits of his satirical breakdown, he’s got to deal with the weighty stuff. But shouldn’t he get to have some fun, too?

Last night he got his opportunity. Upon hearing the RNC spent nearly $2000 at a lesbian bondage-themed strip club, “The Daily Show” ran with it. A Muppet reenactment, a correspondent totem pole, and Groucho glasses were all included. It was fantastic. Did we mention MUPPET REENACTMENT!??


Vodpod videos no longer available.

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David Bowie – Rebel Rebel

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Thomas Piatek

Undercover FBI Agent Helped In Sting Of Hutaree Militia


Justin Elliott | March 30, 2010, 6:20PM

A nice catch from the Wall Street Journal: A court document in the Hutaree case appears to have inadvertently revealed that an undercover FBI agent was involved in bringing down the Christian militia group.

The indictments of the nine Hutaree members — charged in an alleged plot to kill police — show up in a court record database on March 23. But the indictments were still sealed at the time. The Feds didn’t make arrests until this past weekend.

The now-unsealed records show that on March 26, a correction was made to the indictment of one of the men, Thomas Piatek, because his middle name was listed wrong in the indictment and arrest warrant.

In the document noting the correction, this passage appears:

“The evidence presented before the Grand Jury … included the sworn testimony of a law enforcement officer that the person pictured therein is the person known by a Cooperating Witness and an undercover FBI agent … ”

So there you have it — there was an undercover agent and a cooperating witness who positively identified Piatek. We’re pretty sure there’s a good story behind this one …

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Gross Old Racist Swiftboater Gives Important Endorsement To Charlie Crist


6:25 PM on Tue March 30 2010
By Ken Layne

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Courting Another Oklahoma City

Huff Post- Cliff Schecter

Posted: March 30, 2010 01:08 PM

It was almost exactly a year ago at this time that a “controversial” report was released by the Department of Homeland Security. This finding, labeled “Right-wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment,” explained that the lunatic fringe might use the recession and ascension of the first African-American president to recruit members and then plan violent attacks on the homeland.

Although this effort was initiated under the administration of George W. Bush, the usual bed-wetters on the Right–especially a large Oxycontin-laced, self-indulgent buffoon with the ever-appropriate name Rush–whined and hissed about how it was a political jihad.

Here we are a year later, and it is starting to feel very 1995 out there right now. While the Obama Administration and lawmakers on both sides of the aisle genuflect before the NRA, we are not only doing not nearly enough to keep high-power weaponry out of the hands of, for lack of a better word, “evil-doers,” but the NRA is leading state legislatures around by the nose in attempts to actually weaken gun laws we do have on the books. As it was aptly put in in an editorial in the Charleston, WV Gazette:

Almost any criminal, psycho, drunk, wife-basher, drug addict or other prohibited person can buy a pistol illegally at a gun show – no questions asked. Test after test has found that many gun show dealers, licensed or unlicensed, sell deadly weapons to practically anyone with money, evading federal laws that forbid sales to the unfit.

In fact, once the practices of these gun shows were exposed by undercover investigations, such as those planned by Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York and his organization, Mayors Against Illegal Guns (Disclosure: I consult for MAIG; I am speaking for me, and only me, in this piece, however), the response was not to make it harder for criminals, terrorists and the mentally unstable to get guns at gun shows. It was to try and pass legislation to make such investigations illegal. Brilliant plan! Sweep it under the rug, and it is sure to go away.

It is no matter, that as my friend Brian Rothenberg, Executive Director of Progress Ohio, has said, it is easier to get a gun at a gun show than cold medicine. Or that the recent shooting at the Pentagon, by an anti-government radical and mentally disturbed man named John Patrick Bedell, was able to occur because even after the state of California deemed him mentally unfit to have buy a gun, he just went to Nevada and bought em through the infamous gun show loophole.

No background check. No questions asked. And then off to shoot innocent people at the Pentagon.

But if you think this is bad, it is only going to get worse. Tea baggers are showing up to rallies brandishing signs with Brownings and the obvious implication. You know, the gun founded by the guy who the state of Utah would like to honor instead of Martin Luther King, Jr. Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Michelle Bachmann and the rest of the itsy-bitsy IQ brigade now like to put targets on legislators, encourage their supporters to “reload,” and are using other violence-infused imagery. Meanwhile, Christian Militia groups are putting together videos worthy of Al Qaeda while planning to murder Michigan police officers with guns and IEDS.

Seriously, stop and watch this spooky video for a second (they even got the German music right!).

What has been the response to the crescendo of incidents like these over the past few months? The Obama Administration is missing in action. Meanwhile, Republican legislators, like Senator Tom Coburn, are actively trying to put guns in the hands of the mentally unbalanced. That’s right, Coburn tried to attach an amendment to the health care bill to restore gun rights to veterans declared “mentally incompetent.” Seriously, does the man, and the 45 who voted with him, remember Ft. Hood?


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Sexual Freedom Group Charges RNC With Hypocrisy

Huff Post- Sam Stein

First Posted: 03-30-10 09:57 AM   |   Updated: 03-30-10 10:36 AM

One of the leading organizations advocating for sexual openness and freedom is charging the Republican National Committee with hypocrisy in the wake of revelations that a RNC staffer spent nearly $2,000 on a night at a bondage-themed nightclub.

Jeffrey Montgomery, a founding member and spokesperson for the Woodhull Freedom Foundation, who has lobbied extensively to promote the idea that sexual freedom is a human right, charged the RNC and its chairman, Michael Steele with duplicity for posturing as moral purists at the same time that they were indulging their esoteric, voyeuristic impulses.

“I think, from our standpoint, the issue isn’t that he was at this club and spent all that money. If one can afford that, it is not such a big deal. It sounds like a fun club. The problem, of course, is that the RNC is hypocritical,” Montgomery said. “I really doubt we would be talking about this issue if he got reimbursed for a weekend poker tournament or a Final Four basketball game… but because he happened to go to a sex club or whatever the definition is, once again the RNC finds itself in this hypocritical position of having one of their own leaders involved in a thing they would otherwise be worked up about. That’s the problem here.”


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"Pale Horse" (left), seen in an Ohio Militia video

Accused Christian Militia Member Posted Video Last Year: ‘I’m Just A Simple Militant … What’s Wrong With That?’


Zachary Roth | March 29, 2010, 2:37PM

We already told you that one of the members of a Christian militia group charged today with “seditious conspiracy” in connection to an alleged plot to kill law enforcement appears to be the extremist who over the last 18 months created widely-viewed videos that warn “our country is in peril” and urge people to take up arms and march on Washington. And it now appears that that same militia member — Kristopher Sickles, who goes by the name of “Pale Horse” — posted a third video in which he lambasted the “corporate media” for its coverage of the militia movement.

The video, posted last August to YouTube and still available, sheds further light on the mindset and philosophy of at least one of the nine Hutaree members accused today of conspiring to kill police officers, then bomb their funeral in a bid to kill more law enforcement personnel, as part of a plot to “oppose by force the authority of the U.S. government.”

“Pale Horse” — identifying himself as a member of the Ohio Militia, and with his face and voice disguised — argues in the August video that the recent media coverage of the militia movement, including of his own earlier videos, suggests that the government, with the help of the mainstream media, is preparing to target his group. “It seems like they’re mounting an attack,” he says. “We’re all over the news. They’re putting us in a bad light. Who have we threatened?”

Later he says: “They’re stamping us all over the media. Clearly they have some plan in mind.”

Pale Horse also rebuts charges of racism advanced in some of the news coverage. “It has nothing to do with the fact that we have a black president,” he insists. “I started my group several years ago when Bush was in office.”

And at one point he cites Alex Jones, the conspiracy-minded radio host, as a comrade-in-arms.

Pale Horse closes with this defense: “I myself have never made any threats or claims against anyone,” he says. “I’m just a simple militant and I just want to protect my family. What’s wrong with that?”

And he adds: “You people need to read between the lines. You’re being lied to by the corporate media.”


As we’ve explained, the Hutaree are an explicitly Christian militia group, based predominantly in Michigan, which says its preparing for the arrival of the Anti-Christ. Pale Horse’s video, by contrast, never mentions religious motivations.

It’s unclear exactly when and how Pale Horse began working with the Hutaree, though in one his earlier YouTube videos, posted last April, he referred to training at a Michigan Militia site.

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from Wikipedia

George Orwell, in his book Animal Farm, wrote about Old Major, the old boar on the Manor Farm, who calls the animals on the farm for a meeting, where he compares the humans to parasites and teaches the animals a revolutionary song, “Beasts of England.”

When Major dies three days later, two young pigs, Snowball and Napoleon, assume command and turn his dream into a philosophy. The animals revolt and drive the drunken and irresponsible Mr. Jones from the farm, renaming it “Animal Farm.”

The Seven Commandments of Animalism are written on the wall of a barn. The most important is the seventh, “All animals are equal.” All the animals work, but the workhorse, Boxer, does more than others and adopts the maxim — “I will work harder.”

Which brings me to the here and now, and the effects of agrocorportions on food production for folks all over the planet. We are rapidly approaching the era of Frankenfood and if the Agrocorp’s have their way we won’t even be able to grow our own. There is a movement to re-instate small farms and organic methods
, but large corporations like Monsanto are buying influence in government, in our educational system, and even the corporate media.

So…Lets take a break and watch the effects of tampering with Mother Nature, and what can happen to life forms on our fragile planet if there are no controls on genetic manipulation, chemical farming, and animal factory practices.

This comes in eight parts. Just doubleclick the screen to go to Youtube where you can see the complete movie…G%

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Welcome to Glenn Beck’s World: What If the Tea Partiers Ruled the Country?

March 29, 2010 |

Imagine a land where white, patriarchal, religiously zealous, Tea Party-type patriots rule. It’s called Utah, and what happens here should terrify you.

What if the Tea Party ruled?  Imagine a land, let’s call it Glennbeckistan, where white, patriarchal, religiously zealous, Tea Party-type patriots hold a super-majority in both houses of the legislature, sit in the governor’s mansion, and control most local governments. It’s a place so out of sync with the rest of the nation that states’ rights and even secession are always on the agenda.  It’s a place where gun-ownership trumps all other rights, climate change is considered an insidious socialist conspiracy, and a miscarriage can be investigated as a potential crime.  Welcome to Utah.

Our rightwing red-state legislature just finished its annual 2010 session.  So-called message bills challenged the federal government’s right to govern federal lands, enforce gun controls, legalize abortion, and mandate health reform.  In addition, Utah’s lawmakers cut the education budget, raised tuitions, and slashed services to the disabled.  In fairness, state legislators across the nation, faced with disastrous drops in revenue, have likewise slashed social services and balanced budgets on the backs of the poor.  In Utah, however, they also shelved pensions for public employees.  That they could take such draconian action is instructive — organized labor is weak here, unions being another manifestation of creeping socialism.  Utah’s history of labor organizing, or grass roots and civil rights organizing for that matter, is anemic compared to most of America.  This is the place, after all, where IWW radical Joe Hill was arrested and executed.

Although Utah may be unique in some ways, Republican leaders here want the rest of the nation to be more like us.  In fact, a survey of the 2010 Utah legislative session could be considered a trailer for a movie the national Republican base would like all Americans to star in.  This movie would be for the Tea Party movement what Avatar is to tree huggers.


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