
Posts Tagged ‘Dennis Kucunich’

Reconciliation: Definition from the 1895 Edition of Funk & Wagnels

Acquiescence is a legal term used to describe an act of a person in knowingly standing by without raising any objection to infringement of his rights, when someone else is unknowingly and honestly putting in his resources under the impression that the said rights actually belong to him. Consequently, the person whose rights are infringed cannot anymore make a claim against the infringer or succeed in an injunction suit due to his conduct. The term is most generally, “permission” given by silence or passiveness. Acceptance or agreement by keeping quiet or by not making objections.

So, I guess that the question is…Who is being reconciled here? We the people or the corporate government?
Dennis Kucinich is saying, in essence, that the Corporate interests must reconcile themselves to the interests of We The People. The majority of the people want an adequate health insurance program with a public option, preferably an option that guarantees health care that is not ran by profit motivated corporations. The alternative health care program set up by the corporate controlled senate will cost more than the one that is already in place and will produce government legislation that will force folks to buy insurance that couldn’t afford it in the first place, while corporate executives skim off record profits and bonuses.

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