
Archive for August 29th, 2008

Like the Price of Oil Now?

By- JollyRoger @ 12:13 PM EDT

First of all, let me make my position on the South Ossetian situation crystal-clear.

Any violence that has occurred in the Georgia-South Ossetian conflict is the sole responsibility of Georgia. Georgia chose to use the opening of the Olympics as cover for an artillery bombardment of a college town that lasted for several hours. They did this knowing that (1.) they were going to kill scores of unprepared civilians, and (2.) that there were Russian peacekeepers living in the city. Given these two facts on the ground, at the very least we are dealing with a war criminal; at most, we are dealing with a war criminal who is also an idiot. It is Vladimir Putin’s opinion that Saakashvili committed his crime against the unarmed people of South Ossetia because Chimpy needed a wedge issue to bolster the fortunes of John McCavein in the 2008 election cycle. You know, maybe that really IS the answer.

Let us stop here for a quick look at our buddy, Mikheil Saakashvili.


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Olbermann Tells AP Reporter “Find Another Job”

By- Suzie-Q @ 8:45 AM MST

Video: Olbermann tells AP reporter to quit after ‘skewed’ analysis of Obama speech

Raw Story- John Byrne
Published: Friday August 29, 2008

Find another job.

That’s what liberal MSNBC host Keith Olbermann told an AP reporter on live television Thursday evening after excoriating a news analysis by an AP reporter just an hour after Barack Obama gave his Democratic National Convention speech.

While most of the news commentators on the three major cable outlets and network news anchors gave high ratings to Obama’s speech — including conservative heavyweights Bill Kristol and Pat Buchanan — Babington panned the speech in his AP report. Buchanan, a onetime speechwriter, said it was the best convention speech he’d heard in 48 years, Editor & Publisher notes.


“Barack Obama, whose campaign theme is ‘change we can believe in,’ promised Thursday to ‘spell out exactly what that change would mean,'” Babington wrote. “But instead of dwelling on specifics, he laced the crowning speech of his long campaign with the type of rhetorical flourishes that Republicans mock and the attacks on John McCain that Democrats cheer. The country saw a candidate confident in his existing campaign formula: tie McCain tightly to President Bush, and remind voters why they are unhappy with the incumbent.”

Olbermann, predicting that the wire story would appear in hundreds of newspapers, said the reporter should find a “new line of work.”

“It is analysis that strikes me as having born no resemblance to the speech you and I just watched,” he said. “None whatsoever. And for it to be distributed by the lone national news organization in terms of wire copy to newspapers around the country and web sites is a remarkable failure of that news organization.”

“Charles Babington, find a new line of work,” he added.

Olbermann also said Babington had mangled the facts. The first copy of the article, he noted, said the speech was 35 minutes long when it was actually 44 minutes. AP corrected the article shortly thereafter.

Note’s Editor & Publisher’s Greg Mitchell, “Obama backers have criticized the coverage of their candidate by the AP’s Washington Bureau Chief, Ron Fournier, and other AP reporters, for several months. Fournier has denied any slant.”

Charles Babington’s AP article follows.


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Palin – just a bit about her

Posted by Basheert @ 8:33 AM MST

Photo- AP


Alaska legislature will probe Palin’s firing of state’s top cop

More on this Story

Alaska legislators approved Monday hiring a special investigator to look into the firing of Walt Monegan from his job as commissioner of public safety.

Meeting in Juneau, the Legislative Council voted 12-0 to spend up to $100,000 “to investigate the circumstances and events surrounding the termination of former Public Safety Commissioner Monegan and potential abuses of power and or improper action by members of the executive branch.”

Monegan was fired two weeks ago at Gov. Sarah Palin’s direction by her chief of staff. The firing was unexpected and unexplained and gave rise to accusations that it was retaliation by the Palin family for Monegan’s refusal to fire an Alaska state trooper formerly married to Palin’s sister and currently embroiled in an ugly custody fight with her.

The Legislative Council is a bipartisan, 14-member panel made up of seven senators and seven House members that manages legislative business when the Legislature is between regular sessions. Two members were not at the Monday session.

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historic moments

By- Betmo @ 9:33 AM EDT

cynthia mckinney for president

barack obama for president

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happy birthday same mccain!!!

By- Betmo @ 9:00 AM EDT

dems hold same mccain birthday parties

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