
Posts Tagged ‘lynn Vincent’

Well, My signifigant other bought me a copy of Going Rogue,so I guess I’d better do a critique.

She found it in the Goodwill bins for a buck. I checked on Abebooks, and there were some on there for a buck, but it was three bucks to ship. I noticed that Goodwill was listing quite a few on Abe’s also.

Anyways, on with the review, and we’ll start with the cover so we can see what she is talking about, er, I should mention Lynn Vincent here because she was the actual writer of the book. Yep, a ghost writer of sorts, kinda like George Duhbya Bush did on his book, A Charge to Keep. I guess Sarah is not much smarter than Duhbya, maybe not even as smart. Duhbya fired Mickey Herkowitz for telling too much truth and hired Karen Hugh’s, who later joined his cabinet.

click to enlarge print

The book, was co-published by HarperCollins imprint Harper and HarperCollins-owned Zondervan. It doesn’t actually mention the authors name on the cover pages, but does mention that it is copyrighted by Sarah Palin and that it is “An imprint of Harper Collins Publisher”. It is also marked as a first edition. Also, not mentioned, is that the book was printed in China . I’m not sure, but I would guess that Caribou Barbie could probably see China from her doorstep.

In 1991, there are changes in the shareholding of the company – the family sells their interest to Rupert Murdoch. In 1989, the company is acquired by News International, bringing together Collins, Harper & Row, Gower Publishing, Times Books, Bartholomew and Angus & Robertson.

Anyways, back to the review, I’ll go to the end of the book. I usually read the end first to see if it looks like an interesting read.

Hmm, that does it for me. I’ve been through a few sessions with the Jehova Witnesses, and that is what this looks like.
You know, where the Lion lays down with the lamb and all that…sheesh

I feel that I know there is a God too, but She, he, or whatever; is the God of the universe, not the God of Alaska.

maybe I will continue on another day…G%

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