
Archive for the ‘A Christmas Story’ Category

Rush’s costume is actually “The Surviva Ball” which is designed by “The Yes Men to protect Haliburton executives from Mother Nature’s anguish about global warming, but, of course, this corporate media spokesman will never approach the pranks of the real Yes Men, who have been exposing the real enemy for years.

Operation Chaos

On April 23, 2008 Rush Limbaugh made the statement that he is dreaming/hoping for riots after the Dems convention if they choose Hillary over Obama. He even sang his statment to the “I’m Dreaming of a “WHITE” Christmas” tune. It appears to me that he is hoping African-Americans will revolt if Obama doesn’t win and in his dreams we would riot and wipe each other out so that he can indeed have a “white” Christmas/country.

Another notable statement by this filthy fat man was made on September 26, 2007, was about what he called “phony soldiers”and concerned our troops in Iraq. The Phony soldiers controversy refers to the controversy surrounding a statement by Rush Limbaugh in which he allegedly referred to Iraq war veterans critical of the war as “phony soldiers”. In response to Limbaugh’s comments, United States Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid sent a letter to Mark P. Mays, CEO of Clear Channel Communications. The letter of complaint requested that Mays “publicly repudiate these comments and ask Mr. Limbaugh to apologize” for the remarks. The Reid letter was signed by 41 Democratic senators.

Limbaugh, who argued that the comment was not in reference to Iraq War veterans but to persons falsely claiming to be such veterans, obtained the letter and sold it on eBay for $2,100,100, the record for a charitable auction on that site. He donated the funds to the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation with a matching donation of his own.

This might appear to be generosity, but Limbaugh was using money and influence to buy himself out of a sticky situation. According to a 2001 article in U.S. News & World Report, Limbaugh had an eight-year contract, at the rate of $31.25 million a year. On July 2, 2008, Matt Drudge reported that Limbaugh signed a contract extension through 2016 that is worth over $400 million, breaking records for any broadcast medium — television or radio.

Limbaugh’s personal “phony soldier moment” is damning to say the least. His birthdate was ranked as 175 in the Vietnam War draft lottery, but no one was drafted above 125. He was classified as “1-Y” (later reclassified “4-F”) due to either a football knee injury or a diagnosis of Pilonidal disease, probably the latter, which shows that he is a real pain in the arse.

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Stevie Wonder – One Little Christmas Tree

The Fir Tree -A Christmas Story by Hans Christian Anderson

Out in the woods stood a nice little Fir-tree. The place he had was a very good one; the sun shone on him; as to fresh air, there was enough of that, and round him grew many large-sized comrades, pines as well as firs. But the little Fir wanted so very much to be a grown-up tree.

He did not think of the warm sun and of the fresh air; he did not care for the little cottage children that ran about and prattled when they were in the woods looking for wild strawberries. The children often came with a whole pitcher full of berries, or a long row of them threaded on a straw, and sat down near the young tree and said, “Oh, how pretty he is! what a nice little fir!” But this was what the Tree could not bear to hear.

At the end of a year he had shot up a good deal, and after another year he was another long bit taller; for with fir-trees one can always tell by the shoots how many years old they are.

“Oh, were I but such a high tree as the others are!” sighed he. “Then I should be able to spread out my branches, and with the tops to look into the wide world! Then would the birds build nests among my branches; and when there was a breeze, I could bend with as much stateliness as the others!”

Neither the sunbeams, nor the birds, nor the red clouds, which morning and evening sailed above them, gave the little Tree any pleasure.


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