
Archive for May 21st, 2009

Can this be the same Obama that we heard when he was campaigning for POTUS. I voted for him because I wanted universal health care or a reasonable facsimile thereof. I recieved his email asking to send his (cough cough) bedrock requirements to representatives in congress.

President Obama has announced three bedrock requirements for real health care reform. It must:

* Reduce Costs — Rising health care costs are crushing the budgets of governments, businesses, individuals and families and they must be brought under control
* Guarantee Choice — Americans must have the freedom to keep whatever doctor and health care plan they have, or to select a new doctor or health care plan if they choose
* Ensure Quality Care for All — All Americans must have quality and affordable health care

Well, excuse me but, this aint good enough and only reflects the existing failed health plan of the Bu$h administration. Because of the corporate government, and lobbying by such enterprises as the National Hospital Association, we pay more and get less than any country in the world.

Hat tip to Socinus for video.

Health Care: An International Comparison

NPR News

Countries with governments and economies similar to the United States have come up with a variety of methods to make sure that all of their citizens receive health care. While residents in Europe and Japan may pay higher insurance premiums or taxes than Americans, in the end, when all costs are added up, Americans spend more money on health care per person — with fewer people covered.




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