
Archive for March 21st, 2008

Hillary in Denial over NAFTA Role

anthony @ 12:15 GMT

anthony says: BTW, “denial” is not the name of a river in Egypt!

NAFTA: Clinton Will Sell Us Down the River Again

Kurt Nimmo | Infowars | March 20, 2008

It’s true. Clinton has experience Obama does not. She was in the White House and an enthusiastic supporter of NAFTA. Hillary and her husband oversaw the deindustrialization of America. Of course, as Bill Clinton admitted to a truth activist recently, NAFTA was signed, sealed and delivered without his input, he was simply trotted out in ceremonial fashion to give the impression that an imprimatur was attached, as if we live in a democracy or something.

Regardless, Reuters tells us: “The NAFTA agreement, linking trade between the United States, Canada and Mexico, was considered a major accomplishment by President Bill Clinton in 1994″ and once secret documents “clearly indicated that Clinton had a powerful role at the White House, frequently meeting foreign leaders and presiding over meetings” as instructed by his handlers.

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Hillary Clinton’s NAFTA Sincerity Problem

Jake Tapper | abc News | March 20, 2008 11:30 AM

The Clinton campaign sent out talking points for supporters today, which included this odd little “myth” versus “fact.”

“Myth: Contrary to her stated opposition to NAFTA, Hillary Clinton attended NAFTA meetings to work for its passage.

“Fact: It is no secret that passing NAFTA was a priority of the Clinton Administration, but numerous contemporary accounts make clear that Hillary Clinton was personally opposed to NAFTA, and her position on NAFTA was and remains consistent.”

OK, first of all, that “Myth” is not a “Myth” — it’s a fact.

Clinton attended NAFTA meetings to work for its passage. True statement. Period. End of story.

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Obama Campaign Harshly Critical of Clinton’s NAFTA Role

By Jonathan Weisman | washingtonpost.com | Updated 6:38 p.m.

Barack Obama’s campaign pounced on newly released documents showing then-First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton’s attendance at numerous White House meetings plotting strategy for securing passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement, accusing her of deliberately obfuscating her role to win the Ohio primary.

In unusually harsh language, chief Obama strategist David Axelrod said the calendar notations were “direct, incontrovertible evidence” that Clinton was deeply involved in securing NAFTA’s passage, despite her campaign claims that she opposed the trade accord between the United States, Canada and Mexico.

“This is the political equivalent of consumer fraud,” Axelrod huffed.

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